Hi, im kai

Im a teenager who likes to have fun! My name isn't actually Kai legally, but that is my preferred name online! I will share my actual name when I am comfortable. If you force me to share my legal name against my wishes, then you will then be blocked and deleted off of every social media platform I have you on. This is a huge boundary for me and I will not tolerate inconsiderate people.

About Me!

I am 15 years old. My hobbies are gaming, candle making, and braiding yarn together to create bracelets, necklaces, belts, and scarfs. I am kind person overall and I am very loving towards people im close to. However if someone hurts one of my loved ones and then proceeds to contact me and try to be friends then then I am cold towards the person who hurt my friend. I love my friends very much as they mean the world to me so seeing them hurt also hurts me. Which is why I do not stay friends with any of my friends ex's regardless if that ex is on friendly terms with my friend. I can be over the top sometimes. My preferred pronouns are She/Her/Hers.

Way To Contact Me

Here are the socials! if you are going to friend me on Discord then please be within the 14-17 age range, as that my age group. If I do not know you then please keep in mind that my timeframe for response range from 4pm-6:30pm on weekdays(monday-friday) Meanwhile on the weekends(Saturday-Sunday) I most likely will respond around 1pm-7:15pm as that is my timeframe for those days. If you are one of my friends, this doesn't apply to you and I will get back to you as soon as I can possibly do so.